Imasu Solutions - Independent Distributor Agreement 1. The applicant must be 18 years or above of age and shall be competent to enter into the contract as provided in the Indian Contract Act. 2. Imasu Solutions (herein after referred as the “Company”) reserves all rights, whether to accept the application of applying to become an Independent Distributor (herein after referred as the “Distributor”) or reject whatsoever and it is final and binding on the applicant. On selection as Distributor a unique identification number will be issued. He / She from then forth is eligible for certain incentives like discounts, bonuses, Rewards or any other income as detailed in the business Opportunity of the Company. 3. An individual can have only one Distributor ID on his/her name with the Company. 4. The distributor is a non-exclusive contractual. The distributor is not an agent, employee or legal representative of the Company for any purpose whatsoever. He / She shall be responsible for his/her own business and compliance of the central, state and local regulations and all applicable laws. 5. The distributor shall abide by sales policy, Rules, Procedures, Terms and Conditions of the Company in vogue or as amended anytime in the future. 6. There is no any kind of Salary / Fixed Income / Commission / Bonuses / Incentives / Rewards etc. All are based on the sale volume generated by the Distributor himself/herself as well by his/her team and are calculated as per Compensation pay plan of the Company. Company reserves the right to change Business Volume Points (PV / BV), other components of pay plan and method of Pay Plan at any point of time without prior notice. 7. Without prior approval from the Company, Distributor shall refrain from: a) Promoting Company’s products/activities through any form of advertisement. b) Recruiting new Distributor through any type of media. 8. Company shall no way be responsible for any past, present or future liability incurred by the Distributor while conducting business with the Company. 9. Distributor can purchase Company’s products at Distributor price and shall sale to customers at MRP (Maximum Retail Price) printed on the product pack label. 10. All taxes, duties, government levies applicable to sales made by the Distributor shall be payable by the Distributor as per the procedure and law of the land. 11. Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the income of the Distributor (if applicable) will be duly paid by the Distributor to the Government on due basic as per applicable norms. 12. Any other taxes, levies on and above the income of the Distributor earned from the Company will be borne and duly paid by the Distributor to the concern authorities as per applicable norms. 13. Distributor shall promote Company’s products in accordance with the contents of Company’s printed document & support material supplied by the Company and prohibited to make any amendments there to or revision thereof by the Distributor. 14. Distributor can neither claim that the product is a cure for diseases nor he/she should do any diagnosis and suggest treatment unless he/she is a registered medical practitioner. 15. Distributor shall seek a prior permission from Company before selling company products through retail outlets/shops as it is contrary to the Sales Policy of the Company. Distributors only can sale products thorough company franchise stores. 16. Distributor can not sell Company products on E-Comm. Companies and Online Marketplace. 17. TDS will be deducted as per the prevailing rules and regulations formulated by the Government. 18. Company is having the absolute rights to terminate the Distributorship, in the event of failure on part of the Distributor, to comply with the terms and conditions and code of ethics. Prior notice will be served in such cases. Without notice also can deactivate the user rights in case found violating code of conduct. 19. A terminated Distributor can join fresh with a new application only after 3 months from the date of termination. Surrender of Account : In case Distributor wants to surrender their account, need to submit written request and account will be terminated and all rights will be ceased. If respective accounts holder/IBA wants to re-sign up, only can apply after 90 days from date of submission of previous surrender. I agreed and confirms that - I have read, understood and agreed to the above rules, terms and conditions.